Crystal Healing
Crystal therapy is a module that treats clients through placing crystals on or around the body as well as in rooms in a grid-like pattern. Crystal healing has been used dating back to the time of Atlantis. Crystals have an electromagnetic field that lets off a charge or vibration that communicates and connects with energies that flow around physical spaces including human beings. These vibrations interact with the energy centers or chakras to remove blockages or restore a healthy flow of energy throughout the body, mind, and spirit. Whether you believe in the healing properties of crystals or not it still offers you the opportunity to relax, refresh, restore, de-stress, and improve your wellbeing in a non-invasive way.
The color of the crystals used usually corresponds with the energy center on the body. (I'll describe in more detail how this works further in the post.) The human body contains crystalline particles and a rich array of minerals that are formed from the earth. The human body is 70% water and water is also a crystalline structure. Therefore, the minerals and crystalline structures with your body create a harmonious balance when combined with the minerals and crystalline structures of the earth. A balance of holistic wellbeing and support in the human body representing an appreciation of earth's gifts.
Crystal Healing with Reiki
Crystals used during Reiki Healing will help the healing and energy balancing. They will speed up the healing process.
When utilizing crystals to enhance a Reiki session and assist in balancing the whole chakra system a crystal is placed on each area in the appropriate color. In combination with the setting of the practitioner and the client's intentions, this will give each chakra a boost of its own vibration without altering its energies or the overall harmony of the system. It is believed that the interaction between the crystals and chakras will return the chakra into healthy vibration, therefore healing the part of the body affected. By placing a different beneficial stone on each of the seven chakras it can be a general tonic to strengthen and tone up the entire system. Crystal Reiki has the potential to connect the client with the rising consciousness around them and help them align with it and use it to heal. After the use of each crystal, they are cleansed to protect the clients as well as myself.
Corresponding Chakra and Crystal Layout
White/ Brown/Black Crystals = Cleansing or grounding
Red/Orange/Yellow Crystals = Energize and uplift
Pink Crystals = Loving and soothing
Green and Blue Crystals = Balance, peaceful, healing, communication
Purple Crystals = Spirituality, and Intuition
Red energy brings the physicality of life and how we live to the forefront. It is our sense of connection to society and security in life. Red crystals are used when there is:
• No enthusiasm for life • Low energy levels • Insecurity, fear or anxiety • You need to stir up passion on any level
Orange energy gives us a sense of direction and purpose, uplifting our spirit. It encourages to enjoy the experience of life. Orange crystals are used when there is:
• Boredom or you feel stuck in a rut. • Resentment to change • Fear of enjoying yourself too much • Life is becoming too serious • You need to let go of past issues or blockages
Yellow energy provides brightness and warmth to life and assists with our decision-making abilities. It also represents the nourishment of the Self. Yellow crystals are used when there is:
• Nervous tension/anxiety • Confusion, indecision, lack of concentration • ‘Butterflies in your stomach’ feeling due to fear • Digestive disorders
Green energy provides balance, the power of nature, growth, and expansion. Green is the color of relationships because of its growth/expansive nature. Green crystals are used when there is:
• Restricted or fear of the unknown • A need for balance • A need for new ideas or inspiration • Problems in relationships
Blue energy brings communication, aiding the flow of information and a sense of proportion. It is useful for calming our minds or emotional states when life gets on top of us. Blue crystals are used when there is:
• To calm yourself down • To communicate clearly and honestly • Peace and clarity of mind, giving you room to ‘think’ clearly
Purple energy signifies spirituality, the third eye, a need to turn inward, and be honest with ourselves about who we are and what we truly feel. Purple crystals are used when there is:
• Focus on personal beliefs and ideas • Deepen intuition and instincts • Speed up natural healing on any level • To provide different perspectives in life
White energy is wholeness and completion – purity, simplicity, and peace. Everything is visible, nothing is hidden – eternal potential. White crystals are used when there is:
• Clear your life of clutter • Fresh starts or new beginnings • Connection to the higher self • Be open and receptive to life as a whole
Black energy is that of gestation, preparations, and grounding ourselves. Black crystals are used when there is:
• Ground yourself and alleviate fear • Prepare and make you more aware • Calm yourself, aiding focus on internals rather than distracting externals • Deflect negative energy and provide protection
Turquoise energy allows the expression of our wishes, growth, and communication. It supports the desire to be unique and free. It is protective for travelers. Turquoise crystals are used when there is:
• Wish to explore information through feelings/emotions • Need an energy boost • Have lack of courage in social settings, feeling like you don’t fit in • Need protection when traveling by whatever method
Pink energy promotes motivation and potential. Brings caring/tenderness to situations and supports the integrity of the individual. Pink crystals are used when there is:
• There is emotional anxiety • You didn’t receive enough love as a child • You have inner child issues • Need to accept yourself and know that you are worth it
Brown energy is practical, neutral, and non-threatening. Brown offers a state of reality from which to grow, it is an earthy, natural color. Brown crystals are used when there is:
• To focus/concentrate on a particular task • Attention to detail • To become more dependable • To blend and be at one with nature
Use reiki energy to help you heal the parts of you that are making you feel stuck and schedule a hands-on in-person or distance Reiki session today by clicking here.
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