Monday, May 11, 2009

Doing Something for Yourself...

  • Ever feel like this picture?
  • Is exhaustion affecting your views?
  • Are you tired of being super mom, taking care of everyone else and not yourself?
  • You can't find time in your daily routine for yourself.
  • Do you want the above things to change.

As women, wives, mothers we play many different roles, and its easy to pay attention to others more than ourselves. Everybody deserves time to themselves, away from family, friends, additional work and responsibilities. Don't feel guilty because you want time for yourself. You deserve it!

Here are a few tips to start your journey on taking time for yourself:

  • Learn to accept that you need time to yourself, and that there is nothing wrong with it. Own it!
  • Don't procrastinate. If you keep putting yourself off, you'll never do it. Put your health first, because if you can't take care of yourself, you can't take care of anyone else successfully
  • Stay focused! Don't let anyone stop you from accomplishing what you want to do.
  • Throw bad habits out the window! They get you caught up into thinking about others, and you start thinking I should do this one thing really quick. That's how you get trapped!
  • Forget Mommy guilt! So what your husband is feeding the baby wrong, and he's throwing food and crying all hell! Hubby will get it and baby will eat when he gets ready. Step away!
  • Even if your schedule is incredibly busy. Schedule your "me time" on the calender. Whether its once a month, once a week or every day! No that you deserve it!
  • Find your balance. When you find it, your days will be drastically fulfilling.

The point of "me time" is to reduce stress, don't take on so man things for yourself that you're more stressed then you started off. Figure out what needs to stay and what needs to go!

Lastly, keep it up! A happy mom is a happy family which turns into a happy nation.

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