Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Giving back

For the last few years I have noticed that my oldest son has caught this "I want" aka the "give me" or "can I have" disease, and I was wrecking my brain trying to figure out how I can make him more appreciative of what he has.  I tell him all the time you have so much going for you, and there are kids in this world that don't have half as much as you have.  They don't get to go on vacations every year like you do.  They haven't been out of this state let alone out of the country like you have!  Stop I want, I wanting and can I have blah, blah, blah, but he still continues to do it.  I teach our boys that life isn't easy.  That they must work hard for what they want, believe in themselves and never give up.  We're also trying to teach them the importance of giving and not just taking, appreciating what you have because what you have can always be taken away, and there are people who don't have everything we have. So starting last year I joined him in the Honeycomb Project where he can sign up for different volunteer projects around Chicago every month, but the problem with those projects is they fill up really fast, and some months we're left without a project.

So one day, taking my morning walk on the lake I came across some tents that some homeless people set up, and ding, ding, ding!  A thought popped into my head; we should feed the homeless, make sandwiches or something and pass them out to these homeless people!

This past Monday, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr day my family and I did just that.  In spite of it being -7 degrees below zero, it was a perfect morning to do it, because it was the only morning we would all be together.  It felt so rewarding, and it was such a proud moment seeing how excited my son was to give back.  Check out the pictures below, and I urge you to give back, and teach your kids how to give back.  If you would like to help in any way by donating food, or creating your own opportunity to give let us know.  

Setting up the bags and food, Apples, Pears, Oranges,
cans of vienna sausages and Oatmeal Pies
Making Turkey/Ham & Cheese sandwiches.  Yes, our hands were clean :-)
Bags all ready!
Carefully placing the bags

Walking to the tents with bags in hand!

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